Measure Twice, Act Once!

Participation, Sports

When tackling the challenge of growing participation, or organisational growth, it is crucial that everyone agrees on how success is measured.

Whatever the measure of success you choose, it must be clear and agreed to by all key stakeholders.

Once agreed, again, double check again everyone is happy!

Yes I have repeated myself, because it is important.

Overly complex, differing or conflicting measures of success will ultimately cause increased resource costs, confusion and angst for all stakeholders involved.

Often new members join Boards, leadership teams or elected stakeholder groups and seek change based on their view of success. They come into an aligned environment and want to change the way participation, growth or success is measured.

This is rarely done deliberately, but it does highlight the need for collective ownership of participation success within a sport, discipline to stay on task, clarity when communicating progress and results, and educated nimbleness to adjust course when required.

If growth is not occurring, then naturally a review is warranted and advised.

But avoid reactive behaviour as growth is a long game.

Reactive changes made after success measures are agreed only cause established strategies to veer off course and lose all momentum.

Once your success measure is agreed, you need to stay the course rather than make further change for change’s sake.

Measure twice. Act once!

No one succeeds alone.

Have a great day!

Ivan Spyrdz


By the way, I’ve released an e-book called “GROWING YOUR GAME – How to buck the trend of declining participation in traditional sport”.

This e-book provides insights and options on how to evolve the way your sport is viewed, enjoyed and loved by all Australians.

If you want to grow participation and results in your sport, I invite you to grab a copy by downloading it free here.


